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MSW Incinerators

The incineration process consists of burning solid, semisolid, liquid, or gaseous waste to produce carbon dioxide, water, and ash. It is an efficient means of reducing waste volume and recovering energy. The solid, incombustible residue of incineration is inert, sanitary and sensibly odourless. Incineration contributes to air pollution. The polluting emissions are ash, hydrocarbons, sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrous oxides (NOx), chlorides, and carbon monoxide. Estimating absolute quantities of these pollutants is not an exact science, but historical testing data from typical incinerators allow estimates of emissions to be made. Measurement methods for incinerator emissions are sufficiently advanced to permit actual data to be obtained for any existing incinerator. These measurements are preferred in all cases over analytical estimates

Operating Data

Case studies

  • Dust Handled: Ash handling/Waste Handling

  • Gas Handled: High-temperature, and Corrosive

  • Nature of dust: Abrasive, free-flowing, High Temperature

  • Design Temperature: 240-degree Celsius

  • Surge Temperature: 260 degree Celsius

  • Dust Load: 500-600 gm/Nm3

  • Cleaning Mode: online​


Incinerating MSW generates large volumes of flue gases. The flue gases carry residues from incomplete combustion and a wide range of harmful pollutants. The pollutants and their concentration depend on the composition of the waste incinerated and the combustion conditions. However, these gases consist of ash, heavy metals, and a variety of organic and inorganic compounds. The pollutants are present as particles (dust) and gases such as HCl, HF, and SO2. Some harmful compounds such as mercury, dioxins, and NOx can be fully removed only through advanced and costly chemical treatment technologies. Primary measures which are
initiatives that actually hinder the formation of pollutants, especially NOx and organic compositions such as dioxins must be applied as much as possible.

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