Lead Smelter bag hosue
The prefixed, lumpy sinter is then loaded into the top of a heated blast furnace, along with the coke fuel. A blast of air is admitted to the lower part of the furnace to aid combustion of the coke, generating a temperature of about 1,200 °C (2,200 °F) and producing carbon monoxide. This gas then reacts with the metallic oxides, producing carbon dioxide and molten metal. Nonmetallic wastes form a slag with the fluxing materials.
Operating Conditions
Dust To be handled: Smoke handling (Blast furnace/Sintering)
Nature of dust: Fine, free-flowing, mildly abrasive
Cleaning Mode: Offline or Online
Design Gas temperature: 200 Degree Celsius
Design Surge Temperature: 260 Degree Celsius
Dust Load: 50-70 gm/Nm3
Moisture Content: 25% by volume
Sintering is the process in which the sulfur content of the lead concentrates is burned off, and at the same time, the material is agglomerated into porous lumps for feed to the blast furnace. The burning of sulfur is the source of SO2 gas in the process smoke. Smelting is the melting and reduction of the sintered material in a furnace, using coke as a fuel and an air blast to support combustion.
Case Studies
Filter Media Selection
UltraTech Cement Ltd
Nuvoco Vista Corp Ltd
Mehta Group of Companies
Zauri Cement
Dalmia Bharat